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Five reasons to be connected

IN THE WORLD TODAY, THE INTERNET HAS BECOME A NEW SPACE FOR ALL OF THE SPHERES OF DAILY LIFE. BEING CONNECTED LETS YOU EXPLORE NEW WAYS OF BEING INFORMED, OF LEARNING, SHOPPING OR PAYING BILLS, DIFFERENT FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT AND MANY MORE THINGS. Young people today at 26 years of age are considered to be the first generation of digital natives. They have been born into and grown up in a world that has been transformed by the entrance of new information and communication technologies. They are therefore “natives” in the language of computers, videogames and the internet and...

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The 4 pillars of brain fitness: get your brain in shape!

ONLY A FEW YEARS AGO, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFICULT TO ASSOCIATE THE WORD “BRAIN” WITH FITNESS OR TRAINING. HOWEVER, THESE DAYS THERE ARE EVEN VIDEO GAMES IN THE MARKET THAT SPECIFICALLY COMBINE THESE TWO WORDS TO PROMOTE THE BENEFITS OF PLAYING THEM. The evolution of neuroscience in the last decade has generated an important body of knowledge about how our brain works. All the news, products and services related to “brain fitness” or “brain training” reflect a growing interest about the possible natural remedies that help us to maintain and strengthen our brain activity whilst ageing without depending...

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Dancing is fun, you get to know new people and it’s even healthy

DANCING IS A VERY EFFECTIVE WAY OF ADDING AEROBIC EXERCISE TO YOUR WEEKLY ROUTINE, HOWEVER ITS BENEFITS GO BEYOND THIS. All the specialists confirm the importance of doing exercise to age in a more active and healthier way. Dancing can be a very effective way of including aerobic exercise into your weekly routine, and it is proven that dancing regularly improves your physical condition. It also helps to burn calories, works your muscles and the heart, increases energy levels, reduces the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, and is therefore an appropriate exercise for any age...

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Some advantages of drinking red wine

IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAID THAT A MODERATE CONSUMPTION OF WINE IS BENEFICIAL FOR YOUR HEALTH. DISCOVER SOME OF THE EFFECTS OF RED WINE THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. Wine, together with beer, are drinks that are intimately associated to the history of humanity and have marked tradition and culture in different ways all over the world. For centuries wine has been said to possess magical or curative properties. However, it has only been during recent decades when it has been possible to scientifically prove the beneficial effects of a moderate consumption on our bodies. Wines exclusively comes from the...

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The power of flowers

WE ASSOCIATE FLOWERS WITH HAPPY MOMENTS, AND THEY TAKE US TO A NATURAL WORLD FULL OF COLOUR, SMELLS, FORMS AND TEXTURES THAT PROVOKE A PROFOUND EFFECT ON OUR EMOTIONS. As a matter of instinct, we understand that flowers improve our state of mind, but their effects on older people are particularly deep, surprising and almost magical. This isn’t intuition, there is evidence as can be seen in the scientific study “Flowers and Seniors” which analyses the effects of giving flowers to a sample of more than 100 participants with different racial profiles, between 55 and 93 years of age,...

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